To understand the need and requirements for sectoral language skills in migrants we carried out two research at two levels.
First, we ran a survey in consortium partner countries where a set of questions were shared with employers and professionals in three sectors-agriculture, public administration, finance and insurance
Secondly, we initiated research to understand the need of languages for getting into employment for migrants and how it is encouraged.
Partners worked together to create two coalition reports: Common SURVEY report and Common SECONDARY DATA report
Kick-off meeting in Italy @JobLinguo The meeting was hosted in the city of Nuoro, in the center of Sardinian Island, Italy by our coordinators- EduLab.
Sectoral Programme @JobLinguo Partners have developed a Sectoral Language Programme, including the languages represented in the Consortium (Italian, Croatian, Slovenian and German), plus English for
This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. 2021-2-IT01-KA210-VET-000048305).
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