
The aim of ‘SKILLVISTA’ project is to harness the power of visual thinking as a dynamic tool to cultivate and enhance essential soft skills in vulnerable adult learners.

Coordinator: EVPIT, Estonia


  • Create a comprehensive toolkit comprising visually-rich resources tailored to equip educators with effective strategies for soft skills instruction.
  • Integrate scenario-based simulations on the online platform, providing vulnerable adult learners with practical, immersive experiences to apply and refine their soft skills.
  • Conduct specialized training session to empower educators in maximizing the impact of visual thinking techniques in their soft skills instruction.
  • Implement a series of interactive challenges within the online platform to actively engage vulnerable adult learners in practical exercises that reinforce and apply soft skills in real-world contexts. This objective aims to enhance learners’ proficiency and confidence in utilizing soft skills effectively.
  • Conduct systematic assessments to measure the effectiveness of visual thinking in enhancing soft skills development for vulnerable adult learners. Use feedback and data to refine and optimize the visual tools and resources for maximum impact.

This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. 2023-2-EE01-KA210-ADU-000182426).

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