Kick-off meeting in Zagreb @Safer Together

  • The meeting was hosted in the city of Zagreb, in Zagrebtower, Croatia by us-TIR Consulting Group j.d.o.o. Rest of the partners are Fundacja Forum Educkaji (Poland-coordinator) and ANDOS onlus Nazionale – Italy
  • Partners from Italy participated online.
  • The main objective of “Safer Together” project is to develop a competence workshop program (at least 24 hours) along with its validation. This program aims to expand or provide missing competences to individuals who wish to offer social/environmental support to terminally ill people or to support the families of such individuals.
  • Kick-off meeting gave us the opportunity to meet our partners officially and understand the vision of the project that can further be implemented and expanded with the help of work plan presented.
  • The main topic of discussion during the meeting was the adoption of work plan, dissemination plan and finalising the methodology to kick-start the development of project results.

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This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. 2023-1-PL01-KA210-ADU-000159875)

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