Previous Projects
With experienced trainers, teachers, associates, coaches and mentors who have worked in both academic and non-academic roles, we have introduced Enterprise and new technologies schemes in a number of our educational projects. TIR engages learners (participants in TIR programmes) into increasing their self-esteem while thinking about their own personal journeys. These strong transferable life skills will allow the learners to embark on meaningful personal journeys and perhaps alleviating some of the issues related to unemployment in Zagreb and other EU cities. Also, together with our associated organisations, we hope to bring an entrepreneurial approach to the personal journeys of disaffected and marginalized people integrating them into the society where they embrace diversity, enhance knowledge and empower people.
Some of our past project include (but not limited to):

CORVET – a career orientation programme for the VET sector. The project partners of COR-VET share innovative approaches of career orientation for pupils in the field of vocational education and training and develop them further in order to create best-practice models. Together with the experiences made during the transfer-processes, these best-practice models can be offered to respective institutions in other EU member countries.

ACTIVE Togetherness –
a lifelong learning programme to generate intergenerational learning between the elderly and the youth, spanning across the age spectrum. It was our attempt to bridge the gap between inter generational learning schemes.
a career enhancement project for the Adults, especially those facing long-term unemployment, marginalised or facing difficulties due to economic/social barriers.
The consortium partners propose a completely new approach for the development of career management skills and resources that considers:
career management as a subject to be taught
as a set of competences to be developed and updated
a skill set to be used and re-used throughout one’s working life

a digitisation and industry 4.0 project for the VET sector. One of the main project results are the DigI-VET sMOOC- small massive open online course. The DigI-VET sMOOC offers a broad audience information about the results and the current situation in the areas of digitisation and Industry 4.0, as well as addressing challenges and opportunities for vocational training and business.
European Values in Vocational Education is an international project, funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the EU and is set up in the field of ‘Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships’. The seven partner in EVIVE come from six countries. They share and exchange experiences between theory and practice in the field of vocational education. The practitioners are actively involved in activities or courses in which (professional) competences, skills and values are provided. The main objective of EVive is the design and reflection of a common European curriculum, which picks up as the starting point, the shared European values like democracy, gender issues, teamwork, etc.

VINA (Validating Informal and Non-formal Acquired Skills) was strategic partnership between 5 organisations from 5 EU member states.
The project aimed at educators, assessors, lecturers and other main users who need to update competences and skills of adults in the informal and non-formal sector to match the needs of the 21st century. The project consortium will develop:
- a database of Instruments for Validating Informal and Non- Formal Learning;
- a Recognition Opportunities Tendency Analyser (R.O.T.A.)
An innovative training programme for Young People and youth workers to gain skills to develop and manage EU projects.

GoMobile aimed to get an overview on mobile learning in vocational schools and in companies and meet the needs of teachers and trainers in this field. The consortium created a book that introduces teachers to the concept of mobile learning and gives them a deeper understanding. In addition it took them through several useful learning apps in a hands-on approach that helps them understand how the app can be integrated into their classes. The book also contained a section on future development of mobile learning, providing a detailed overview of which opportunities technology will provide in the coming years (for instance, individualized learning through learning analytics, networked collaborative or competitive learning, etc.), and what should be developed in the field of mobile learning in order to take advantage of these opportunities.
a Youth project engaging youth from widely diverse nations of Armenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Netherlands and UK on developing startups to alleviate youth unemployment issues across the EU27 and partner countries.

The aim of the project is to support young people with fewer opportunities, in particular those who are at risk of discrimination based on their sexual orientation and worldview, and to overcome the barriers they face in society, through mutual learning, awareness raising, knowledge and skills development for youth workers and to raise awareness, knowledge and develop the skills of youth workers and potential employers of youth new to the labour market on LGBTQ+ issues and to develop common standards for communication and cooperation with LGBTQ+ youth, based on respect, empathy, dignity and tolerance.
Coordinator: Fundacja Cooperacja (Poland)
Partners: TIR Consulting Group j.d.o.o – Croatia
Centre of Art, Culture and Social Empowerment Kallitechnio- Greece
Sdruzhenie Global Organizeyshan for Divelapment- Bulgaria
For details of the above project, any of our current ones or if you wish to partner