Healing Digital Wounds: A Psychosocial Support Guide for Youth

This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. 2023-3-NL02-KA210-YOU-000184111)
Coordinator : Stichting VIBE Nederland Foundation

The project aims to provide youth and youth workers with psychosocial support, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to navigate the digital world safely, promote mindful media consumption, implement digital detox strategies, and heal from digital wounds.


  1. To empower Youth Workers as Psychosocial Advocates for Digital Well-being.
  2. To foster a culture of empathy and psychosocial emotional support within the digital community, encouraging open dialogue about digital wounds and mental well-being.
  3. To increase understanding among youth and youth workers about various forms of digital wounds from a psychosocial perspective, including cyberbullying, online harassment, and digital abuse.
  4. To create a pocket-sized booklet that incorporates psychosocial elements, offering practical tips, resources, and psychosocial support for both youth and youth workers to navigate the digital world safely and healing digital wounds.
  5. To create an interactive online platform focused on mindful media consumption, digital detox, and digital minimalism, while integrating psychosocial support elements to provide a comprehensive resource hub.
  6. To develop strategies for the project’s long-term sustainability and explore opportunities to expand its reach to reach more youth and youth workers.

Expected results:
1. Development and Distribution of “Digital Guardian Pocket Guide” (open source, 3 languages, min.25 pages)
2. Establishment of “MindfulTech Oasis” Online Platform (open source, 3 languages)
3. 2 Days Participatory visit in France to deepen our understanding of effective strategies and approaches for violence prevention and peace promotion. ;
4. Training session in Netherlands to empower youth trainers. (10 participants, 2 days)
5. Dissemination and multiplier events


Kick-off meeting in Siauliai

GREENAGE KICK-OFF MEETING IN SIAULIAI The meeting was hosted in the city of Siauliai, Lithuania by our coordinator- Siauliai City Municipality Education Center. Two representatives of TIR Consulting Group participated and met Education Center’s team. The main objective of “Greenage” project promote healthy and active aging by improving ecological behavior

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Online launch

GREENAGE Online Launch of GREENAGE Project The meeting was organised online by our coordinator-Siauliai City Municipality Education Center Partners discussed the timeline of the project including administrative tasks Partners highlighted the need of green management during and after the project. Risk factors were discussed. Next activity that is face to

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This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. 2023-3-NL02-KA210-YOU-000184111).

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.