Active Aging for our green and healthy lifestyle

This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. 2023-1-LT01-KA210-ADU-000161637)
Coordinator : Siauliai City Municipality Education Center, Lithuania

The aim of the GREENAGE Project is – to promote healthy and active aging by improvement of ecological behavior and green skills of adult learners.
1. To create a non-formal training handbook and video’s “Green and healthy lifestyle for active aging” for adult educators, that could be used to encourage development of adult learners’ green skills, active aging and healthy lifestyle.
2. To arrange pilot training by involving adult educators and trainers in each partner country and propose handbook
improvements, based on training experience.
3. To encourage adult educators and decision-makers in the field of adult education to include ecological, healthy behavior and green skills in their programs and agendas through dissemination measures.

Expected results:
1. Elaborated handbook “Green and healthy lifestyle for active aging”
2. 6 short digital films published as open sources in 2 partners websites;
3. 3 days trainings for adult educators (training of trainers) in Croatia (in total 8 participants) ;
4. 2 workshops in partner countries “Benefits of ecological behavior and green skills for active aging”
5. online final international Conference ;
6. Media-releases 


Kick-off meeting in Siauliai

GREENAGE KICK-OFF MEETING IN SIAULIAI The meeting was hosted in the city of Siauliai, Lithuania by our coordinator- Siauliai City Municipality Education Center. Two representatives of TIR Consulting Group participated and met Education Center’s team. The main objective of “Greenage” project promote healthy and active aging by improving ecological behavior

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Online launch

GREENAGE Online Launch of GREENAGE Project The meeting was organised online by our coordinator-Siauliai City Municipality Education Center Partners discussed the timeline of the project including administrative tasks Partners highlighted the need of green management during and after the project. Risk factors were discussed. Next activity that is face to

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This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. 2023-1-LT01-KA210-ADU-000161637).

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