Final Evaluation Meeting for the Business Pride Project in Warsaw
On 20th August, we gathered in Warsaw for the final evaluation meeting of the Business Pride Project, marking a significant milestone in our mission to support LGBTQIA+ youth entrepreneurs. This meeting was not just a reflection on our progress but also a celebration of the strides we’ve made in empowering young, diverse entrepreneurs across Europe.
During this pivotal gathering, we discussed the key findings from the piloting phase of the project. The insights shared were invaluable, as they allowed us to reflect on the successes and challenges encountered throughout the implementation. From building a supportive network to addressing the specific barriers faced by LGBTQIA+ youth entrepreneurs, the discussion illuminated how far we’ve come—and where we can go next.
A highlight of the meeting was the opportunity to share our Business Pride Handbook with Fundacja Polskie Centrum Rozwoju Edukacji. This handbook, designed as a comprehensive resource for LGBTQIA+ youth entrepreneurs, their allies, and youth workers, has become a cornerstone of our project. It provides practical guidance on everything from starting a business to navigating personal finance, while emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and mental wellness in the workplace.
One of the main themes of the meeting was ensuring the sustainability of the resources we’ve developed. We brainstormed strategies to ensure that both the Business Pride Handbook and our digital platform continue to make an impact long after the project concludes. We explored ideas for wide dissemination, ensuring that these tools remain accessible to the communities who need them most. Additionally, we discussed how to make these resources transferable across various countries and regions, promoting inclusivity and diversity within the broader business sector.

This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. 2022-3-DE04-KA210-YOU-000099662).
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