Business Pride

Business Pride

This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. 2022-3-DE04-KA210-YOU-000099662)
Coordinator : Highlights e.V

Our aim: is to empower and support LGBTQIA+youth entrepreneurs by tailor guidance to help them establish or grow their idea and connect them with LGBTQ entrepreneurs who will support them as mentors.


  1. To provide the encouragement and to support the development of the skills, attitudes and knowledge that LGBTQ youth require to become successful entrepreneurs.
  2. To analyse challenges and best practices for LGBTQ+ young entrepreneurs in local communities.
  3. To address the opportunity gap for LGBTQ+ youth.
  4. To increase the access to business knowledge and financial literacy, fundraising opportunities and critically important and considerate mentorships for LGBTQ+ youth.
  5. To analyse the local economy and its structure for LGBTQ youth.
  6. Tto connect LGBTQ+ youth with LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs and become the bridge for mentoring, sharing positive narratives
    and collaboration possibilities.
  7. Strengthen the local authorities’ initiatives for the rapid labour market integration of lgbtq+ youth.
  8. To design and develop interactive book for LGBTQ+ youth entrepreneurs and allies( who can support and promote each
  9. To create an online platform for lgbtq+ youth to provide resources, educational material and opportunities to promote
    positive narratives, start-ups and collaboration.

Expected results:

  1. Analysis report on challenges, status of young lgbtq+ entrepreneurs in partner countries and their local communities.
  2. Interactive handbook for lgbtq+ youth entrepreneurship and their allies.
  3. Online platform for lgbtq+ youth to provide resources, educational material and opportunities to promote positive narratives,
    start-ups and collaboration.
  4. 30 youth workers integrate manual and platform in their daily work (piloting)
  5. 250 lgbtq youth and their allies engaged online platform, manual and findings of the project. (exploitation)
  6. 550 young learners and trainers reached through ongoing dissemination activities. (multiplier events, online publications and external events)


Third progress meeting- online

GREENAGE THIRD PROGRESS MEETING- ONLINE The meeting was organised online by our coordinator-Siauliai City Municipality Education Center Partners agreed to prepare for the progress report. Partners also revisited adminstrative, dissemination and financial issues. Partners discussed over the first draft of the modules. During this meeting, it was discussed how to

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Second progress meeting- online

GREENAGE SECOND PROGRESS MEETING- ONLINE The meeting was organised online by our coordinator-Siauliai City Municipality Education Center Partners discussed deadline for completion of first draft of handbook Partners also revisited risk factors that can hinder the development of handbook Responsibilities were divided regarding handbook and dissemination. Dates for Piloting training

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Kick-off meeting in Siauliai

GREENAGE KICK-OFF MEETING IN SIAULIAI The meeting was hosted in the city of Siauliai, Lithuania by our coordinator- Siauliai City Municipality Education Center. Two representatives of TIR Consulting Group participated and met Education Center’s team. The main objective of “Greenage” project promote healthy and active aging by improving ecological behavior

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Online launch

GREENAGE Online Launch of GREENAGE Project The meeting was organised online by our coordinator-Siauliai City Municipality Education Center Partners discussed the timeline of the project including administrative tasks Partners highlighted the need of green management during and after the project. Risk factors were discussed. Next activity that is face to

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This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. Project N. 2022-3-DE04-KA210-YOU-000099662).

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.